The Computer Methods and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology -UK Conference (CAAUK) is being held in London on the 22nd-23rd February, hosted by L-P: Archaeology. The programme and abstracts are now out, and it looks like a really good mix of papers. I will be giving a paper on urban excavation and analysis techniques that will look at how we can use computer applications to create elegant systems and enable better excavation:
For the last 40
years the excavation of urban sites has increasingly been characterised by the
use of single context recording; for the last 25 years the post-excavation
analysis of these sites has been increasingly characterised by a system of
aggregation into larger stratigraphic groups (context<subgroup<group<landuse).
These systems have been increasingly integrated with digital recording systems,
databases and GIS systems. It is a testament to the logic and rigour of the
original processes that they generally work very well within the digital
systems that have been developed.