Welcome to the Urban Archaeology blog. Chiz Harward provides a range of archaeological services including desk-based assessments, evaluations, excavations, watching briefs and post-excavation services, training and development work, and archaeological illustration. This weblog will carry news of projects as and when they happen as well as wider thoughts on archaeological issues, especially recording, stratigraphy and training.

Hot off the presses.... The Spitalfields suburb 1539–c 1880

Just had news that the second MOLA Spitalfields monograph has arrived back from the printers and should be available soon....congratulations to everyone who worked on the many excavations (over 26 separate sites) and the post-ex process.

THE SPITALFIELDS SUBURB 1539–_C_ 1880: EXCAVATIONS AT SPITALFIELDS MARKET, LONDON E1, 1991–2007 by Chiz Harward, Nick Holder and Nigel Jeffries

'One of London’s largest archaeological excavations took place at Spitalfields Market, on the north-eastern fringe of the historic city, between 1991 and 2007. This book presents an archaeological history from the 16th to the 19th

Archaeology blogging research questionnaire

Fleur Schinning is carrying out research into archaeological blogging and social media for a Masters in Heritage Management at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Her research will focus on the use of blogs and social media and how they contribute to the accessibility of archaeology in the Netherlands, but she is looking at blogs from the US and UK:

"For my research I will be looking at several blogs from both the UK and USA; in these countries blogging seems widely accepted and used a lot as a tool in creating support for archaeology, and I have come across some very interesting and successful blogs...

...To be able to explore how blogging in archaeology contributes to public archaeology, I would like to question the bloggers and blog readers of these blogs. This is where my request comes in. I have set up a questionnaire in which I ask the visitors of your blog several questions regarding their motives for visiting the blog and so on....

The questionnaire can be viewed here:
...All participants also have a chance to win a small prize; 6 issues of Archaeology Magazine!"

So if you have a moment, please help Fleur with her research,


MOLA Monographs

This summer will see the publication of at least three monographs in the MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) series to which I've contributed. Together they account for some of the biggest projects I worked on during my ten years as Senior Archaeologist and Project Officer at MoLAS, and it is great to see them getting published. All of these projects were both challenging and stimulating, and each of them has tangibly progressed our understanding of London's past. I learnt a huge amount on each of these projects and it was a privilege to work with some of the best archaeologists in the country; my thanks and congratulations to everyone involved from the project planning to the final archiving.