Welcome to the Urban Archaeology blog. Chiz Harward provides a range of archaeological services including desk-based assessments, evaluations, excavations, watching briefs and post-excavation services, training and development work, and archaeological illustration. This weblog will carry news of projects as and when they happen as well as wider thoughts on archaeological issues, especially recording, stratigraphy and training.

Medieval water supply and Georgian townhouse at Gloucester Cathedral

Urban Archaeology has been working at Gloucester Cathedral over the last couple of years, both on Project Pilgrim and as part of ongoing repair and conservation work on the exterior of the Lady Chapel. Recently we’ve also been working a bit further from the main cathedral buildings in a quiet corner of the precinct and turned up a surprising survival of the monastic past. 
Monument House and St Mary’s Gate, looking east towards the precinct

Medieval floor tiles from Minchinhampton church

In 2017 Urban Archaeology excavated the Gloucestershire parish church of Holy Trinity Minchinhampton as part of a major re-ordering involving the installation of underfloor heating to tackle damp. The work on site is nearly all done (and looks fantastic), but the archaeological post-excavation work is just getting going.